Help! Not able to display reference field in table display on Wix Studio

I’m working on a project on Wix Studio where I have a dataset containing links and reference categories.

When I go to display the dynamic content on the website in a table, I am only able to display the links. I’d like to display its category as well but the CMS connection settings won’t let me add “Category” as a column (see screenshot). Is that because it’s a reference?

Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 2.16.54 PM

I tried using a repeater instead but didn’t like the display (spacing issues) and my client really wants the table UI where it shows the data neatly.

Any suggestions on what else I can try (if possible without using Velo)?

It does work in some cases: CMS: Using Reference Fields to Display Content from Multiple Collections | Help Center |

If Category is a reference field does it have the fields from the linked Category table displayed below it? CMS: About Displaying Content from Multiple Collections Using Reference Fields | Help Center |

More info: CMS: Working with Multiple-Item Reference Fields | Help Center |

Thanks @anthony, I reviewed those links you shared and getting that Category ref field works just fine with a repeater.

But I’m wanting to display an HTML table on the website instead of a repeater. That’s when the breakdown is happening and “Category” is greyed out in the list of options when I try to “Add Column”

LMK if you need any specific screenshots to help clarify. I appreciate your help on this!

Category being the reference field wouldn’t be selectable itself but all of the columns from the reference should be selectable immediately below Category.

For example here I have two tables (test, and reference). I made a Dataset for the “test” table and then added a “reference” column. Now I can reference any data from the “reference” table which has “Title” and “Text” fields:
