Help Please... Dropdown Filtering a Gallery

Hello. If anyone is able to suggest anything I would be very appreciative.

Follow this link to view the issue…

On this page, when you choose the dropdown options it will appear to work correctly. After enough times of changing the dropdown options you will begin to see that the gallery thumbnails will not update correctly, but if you click on one of the thumbnails to open it in expand mode, you will see that the correctly filtered image will appear eventhough the thumbnail is not correctly filtered.

I only have a few lines of code to make this work, see below;

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…

export function animalsDropdown_change(event) {
let animalsSubcat = $w(‘#animalsDropdown’).value;
$w(‘#animalsDataset’).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(‘animalsSubCat1’, animalsSubcat))

I am wondering why after a few times of changing the dropdown options the gallery thumbnails do not filter correctly, but the actual images are displayed correctly in expand mode. To me it seems that the gallery itself is bugged, but I contacted wix support and I was told the problem is in my code in reference to the dropdown. Thank you in advance to whoever you are that can help shed light on this issue.

***UPDATE: I forgot to mention, that in PREVIEW my intended functionality works perfectly… it’s only after I PUBLISH and test on the LIVE PUBLISHED site that I get this issue.

Hi Chris, I’ve started to take a look at this. It appears on first glance that there may indeed be a problem with the Pro Gallery component.

I noticed that you have a copy of the Animals page called “Animals Test”, and on that page you’re using one of our older gallery types. I checked that page and indeed, it works correctly. Hence my suspicion.

I will continue to investigate and will log the bug as soon as I have it nailed down. In the meantime, I suggest you use an older gallery until we’ve fixed the bug.

I’ll keep you apprised. Thanks.

Thank you Chaim for taking the time to review my post and even try it for yourself.