Help required to integrate Google MAPS API

I am trying to use Google Places API, MAPS API and Distance Matrix API in my website for below purpose:
- Places API for displaying the places on the go, when user try to enter his address
- Distance Matrix to get distance between two locations
But as of now I am failing on first step only, where the drop down suggestions are not coming on my page. I followed the steps mentioned on " " and wix code examples mentioned at “” and " ".

Below is my code snippet for backend API file:

import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
const key = "Google APIKEY";

// returns a list of place "suggestions" based on the user input
const apart1 = "";
const apart2 = "&types=(cities)&key=";
export function autocomplete(string) {
 let input = "input=" + string;
 let url = apart1 + input + apart2 + key;
 return fetch (url, {method: 'get'}).then( (httpResponse) => { 
 if (httpResponse.ok) {      
 return httpResponse.json(); 
// uses the unique place_id to retrieve details for the place
const dpart1 = "";
const dpart2 = "&key=";
export function details(id) {
 let placeid = "placeid=" + id;
 let url = dpart1 + placeid + dpart2 + key;
 return fetch (url, {method: 'get'}).then( (httpResponse) => { 
 if (httpResponse.ok) {      
 return httpResponse.json(); 

// returns locations name(s) based on the location's coordinates
const rpart1 = "";
const rpart2 = "&key=";
export function reverse(lat, lng) {
 let latlng = "latlng=" + lat + "," + lng;
 let url = rpart1 + latlng + rpart2 + key;
 return fetch (url, {method: 'get'}).then( (httpResponse) => { 
 if (httpResponse.ok) {      
 return httpResponse.json(); 

Followed by below code on my page:

  // Written by Yisrael Hersch

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import {local} from 'wix-storage';
import {autocomplete} from 'backend/gmapsapi';
import {details} from 'backend/gmapsapi';
import {reverse} from 'backend/gmapsapi';

$w.onReady(function () {

 // handle each suggestion repeater item
    $w("#repeater1").onItemReady( ($w, itemData, index) => {
 const text1 = $w("#text1");
        text1.text = itemData.text1;
 const text2 = $w("#text2");
        text2.text = itemData.text2;
    $w("#repeater1").collapse();    // hidden on page load
 // handle each location detail line
    $w("#repeater2").onItemReady( ($w, itemData, index) => {
 const text3 = $w("#text3");
        text3.text = itemData.text3;
 const text4 = $w("#text4");
        text4.text = itemData.text4;
    $w("#repeater2").hide();        // hidden on page load
 // retrieve saved location (if exists) from local storage
 let id = local.getItem("place_id");
 if(id === undefined || id === null || id.length === 0) {
 // if no location saved, find the IP-based geographic location
 else {
 // if a location was saved in local storage, get the details

function randomFromInterval(min, max) {
 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

let debounceTimer;
export function input1_keyPress_1(event, $w1) {
//export function input1_change(event, $w1) {
  $w("#repeater2").data = [];

 if (debounceTimer) {
    clearTimeout(debounceTimer); // ignore error
    debounceTimer = undefined;
  debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { // ignore error
 // use the current value to get a list of location suggestions
 // we call the autocomplete() web module from the backend
 let val =;
 if(val.length === 0)
    autocomplete(val).then(function (resp) {
 // create an array of suggestions for the repeater
 let predictions = resp.predictions;
 let suggestions = [];
      predictions.forEach(function (prediction) {
 let item = { "_id":, "text1": prediction.description, "text2": prediction.place_id };
      $w("#repeater1").data = []; // clear the repeater contents
      $w("#repeater1").data = suggestions; // add the suggestions to the repeater
      $w("#repeater1").expand();    // we have data so we can expand the repeater

  }, 150);

// this function is triggered when clicking on a suggestion list repeater item
export function container_click(event, $w) {
 let place_id = $w("#text2").text;

function set_details(val) {
    details(val).then(function(resp) {
 // find the city (locality) and country of our location
 let place = resp.result;
 var filtered_array = place.address_components.filter(function(address_component){
 return address_component.types.includes("country");
 var country = filtered_array.length ? filtered_array[0].long_name: "";

        filtered_array = place.address_components.filter(function(address_component){
 return address_component.types.includes("locality");
 var locality = filtered_array.length ? filtered_array[0].long_name: "";
 let name = place.formatted_address;
 let id = place.place_id;
 let utc = place.utc_offset;
 let lat =;
 let lng = place.geometry.location.lng;      

        local.setItem("place_city", name);
        local.setItem("place_lat", lat);
        local.setItem("place_lng", lng);
        local.setItem("place_utc", utc);
        local.setItem("place_id", id);

        $w("#input1").value = name;
 let detailsList = 
 "_id": "1",
 "text3": "place name",
 "text4": name
 "_id": "2",
 "text3": "latitude",
 "text4": "" + lat
 "_id": "3",
 "text3": "longitude",
 "text4": "" + lng
 "_id": "4",
 "text3": "utc",
 "text4": "" + utc
 "_id": "5",
 "text3": "place id",
 "text4": id

        $w("#repeater2").data = []; // clear our repeater
        $w("#repeater2").data = detailsList; // add data to our repeater

//export function button1_click(event, $w) {
 //  $w("#repeater1").collapse();
 //  $w("#repeater2").data = [];
 //  $w("#repeater2").hide();
 //  geoloc();

export function geoloc() {
    .then( (obj) => {
 let lat = obj.coords.latitude; 
 let lng = obj.coords.longitude;
        reverse(lat, lng).then(function(resp) {
 let status = resp.status;
 if(status === "ZERO_RESULTS") {
 let name = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA";
                local.setItem("place_city", name);
                local.setItem("place_lat", "40.44062479999999");
                local.setItem("place_lng", "-79.9958864");
                local.setItem("place_utc", "-240");
                local.setItem("place_id", "ChIJA4UGSG_xNIgRNBuiWqEV-Y0");                 
                $w("#input1").value = name;
 let results = resp.results;

 var country = null, city = null, place_id = null;
 var c, lc, component;
 for (var r = 0, rl = results.length; r < rl; r += 1) {
 let result = results[r];
 // look for city (locality) and country
 if (!city && result.types[0] === 'locality') {
 for (c = 0, lc = result.address_components.length; c < lc; c += 1) {
                        component = result.address_components[c];
 if (component.types[0] === 'locality') {
                            city = component.long_name;
 if (component.types[0] === 'country') {
                            country = component.long_name;
 if(city && country)
 else {
 if (city && country) {
                    place_id = result.place_id;
      } )
      .catch( (error) => {
 let errorMsg = error;

with due respect, I have not removed “// Written by Yisrael Hersch” to give due credits to my Yisrale in my webssite code :).

Please help me correct my code.

Able to resolve by setting up Address input field in editor.

did you figure how to do it? i’m in the same boat now.