Help searching a database by rows

I am making a search for one of my databases. It works but i want to make it a little better.

I would like to make it search by rows – meaning that if a user searched for “clinical study” that if the BOTH the word “clinical” and the word “study” were in the same row (but different columns) it would display results.

The results would be displayed in a repeater.

This is my code so far

import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function ititle_keyPress(event, $w) {

let str = 'Searchbox';

let words = str.split(" ");

const filterValue = ("words").value

const byTitle = wixData.filter().contains("title", filterValue)

const byTag1 = wixData.filter().contains("tag1", filterValue)

const byTag2 = wixData.filter().contains("tag2", filterValue)


Thanks in advance!