Hi there!
First time using a forum (ever!) to get an answer from professionals. Ok, I’m trying to create a multi-step form that has a payment option at the end. The form itself is fine, I’m having problems creating the payment page.
I have a database setup with the Paid Plans app and a database named “Plans” (could be default by the app, I’ve lost track after countless hours of trying to figure this out). I have a “Plans” dataset created on the page and have a dropdown box that is connected to the database.
What I’m trying to achieve is, how can I customize a payment button to reflect the cost of the membership from the dropdown box? Or, in other words, how can I pull the value from the dropdown box selection into the payment button?
I’ve read so much and am following the steps from Velo Tutorial: Processing Payments | Help Center | Wix.com to ensure proper security and privacy of data.
If I can’t achieve my goal because the database belongs to the Paid Plans app, I can populate the dropdown list with the membership name and number value associated with it. I just would like to know how to transfer the value of a dropdown to a payment button.
Please help… my brain hurts.