Help with audio player and audio from datasheets

Here is what i’m trying to do, and I don’t know how to approach it

I want to create a dataset with audio files on it :heavy_check_mark:
Create a repeater to show the songs :heavy_check_mark:
Make the Wix audio player play datasheet songs (when pressing the play button on the player) :heavy_check_mark:
Make the wix audio player play the song on the repeater that I click on (for example, creating a invisible button over the song info) :x:
Make the wix audio player go to previous / next song on the repeater (or datasheet) with buttons :x:
Make the wix audio player play next song from repeater (or datasheet) when the song ends :x:

how can I do this? could you help me please?

The Audio Playlist example should give you a good start.

Hello, I know how to do that example you provided, even know how to make the sounds on that scheme to play sequentialy after you play the first, but is not that what I want…

here is an example, I’ll have the audio player bellow the repeater that gets the songs info from the datasheet, that also contains the song itself, and there is a button above the text, I want that button to play the song that is displayed on the repeater, also want to add buttons (not on the repeater, necessarily) to play the next and previous sound, and lastly, to make the player automatically play the next song from the datasheet when it finishes the current one

no one? :frowning: