Seriously, first it was the Wix forum glitching, now it’s the notifications!
When you go on the notifications page, it says there’s notifications, but they don’t show up!
Thanks for this - I will look into it.
Btw, I believe the Forum App, like the Blog App is contained inside an iframe…and I’ve been having iframe dynamic loading issues again. This is a problem that disappears and comes back time and time again with dynamically loaded iframes…I think Wix really needs to look into why iframes are possibly loading before the dynamic page or not reloading with the dynamic page @reinhardts . Maybe one or more things are not running asynchronously that should be.
It’s annoying for me as a dev, and it’s page-breaking for anyone using these Wix Apps.
@brett-haralson any idea on when this will be fixed?
Hey Heath! Great question. Is this still happening? I’m not experiencing it with this forum - you may want to reach out to support.
This has been happening for at least a week. Also, when you have read all the notifications, it still shows a number of notifications.
The only forum that’s I’ve noticed the problem in is the Wix Corvid forum.
All the ones on my sites are working fine.