How are Members added?

I followed your docs on How to Create a Member Profile Page and I am a bit confused. Velo Tutorial: Building Your Own Members Area | Help Center |

How do you add a member?
Are the members being stored in the Member collection these docs describe or are they stored in Contacts?

I can’t login once I’m redirected. I asks for a password in the login page. How do I set a password? Do I sign up? And if I sign up, it doesn’t end up in the Member table so I am confused.

Hi Adam,

The best thing to do is use the built in wixUsers system.

Just add a Login button to your site from the Add panel.
See wixUsers for code integration.


Is there any hope of wix creating a way for us to use wix code to make custom signup pages and sequences to collect specific data for new members? It is crucial… Custom and Separate Login and Signup pages is extremely needed! :slight_smile: Thanks!

It looks like this will be available soon:

ht tps://