How can I design a platform for personalised programs based on member preferences?

How can I create a platform that allows members to fully customize their fitness programs? For instance, members would complete a quiz to select their desired exercises, choose their preferred workout days, and the site would specify the frequency needed on each selected day to achieve their fitness goals (which are linked to an end event date).

In more detail:

  1. Multiple choice question: select what workout programmes you would like?
  2. What days would you be able to complete this?
  3. What is your goal date?

Based on this, the member is able to see a schedule, that they can hopefully customise if they miss an exercise, and drag to a different day.

how are you building this? are you a web developer?

Hello dear,
Have you got any way or update to your requirement?
I am also working for a similar project, but for different services. If you got the solution, can we discuss about it?