How can I fix kerning with custom fonts?

Hi, y’all!

I looked up “kerning” and “fonts” in the community and I didn’t find much info on this topic. I’ll post as much information as I can about my issue to see if anyone else can help me with it.

I designed the mobile version of my site to look a certain way with a custom font ( Futura Bold ) and in the Wix Mobile Editor preview, it shows me what I want to see:

Wix Mobile Editor

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However, when I view the site on my iPhone X, it shows me the same site with the kerning on the H2 tag way off.

I’ve already tried increasing and decreasing the size of the text box. I’ve also tried decreasing the “Character Size” option on the text. That was the closest fix; it made the mobile site on my iPhone look normal, but it also made the kerning on my desktop too tight.

I want to say that it’s an issue with the font, but it does the same thing with all of the other fonts that I upload.

Has anybody else experienced this issue? Is there a workaround?

Really thankful for this community by the way. Thank you for your time!


Hmmm this is a great question! I’m not sure :thinking: I’ll pass this along to the team and circle back if they have any feedback.

Thank you so much!