I want the costumer to directed to another Shop when he clicks the “buy now” button. Is it possible to do that in Editorx Store?
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Hey @chrisdis91 , is the “buy now” button is part of stores or a regular button you’ve added? If it’s a regular button then you can simply link it to any external page.
The Shop has a integrated buy now button. I only can change the Text, but not the Link in the Product itself.
@chrisdis91 so at this point there’s no way to link Stores app buttons (like the ‘buy now’) to different links than they are linked to.
@miril okay thanks. Hope to see that feature in the future
@miril Do you think there is a workarround for this? I have a very big Shop with a lot of Products but some products are not possible to sell on Editorx.
i created a link in the discription, but that does not look very nice. How can i change it? Perhaps with costum coding?