How can I make this effect on my site?

I stumbled upon this page, and the effect when sliding down their site seems very interesting.
Any ideas on how to do it in Wix?

what effect?

Sorry, the link didn’t work. I’m reffering to this , the text effect you see when scrolling down the page.

@b4443569 There’re many different effects here. Most of them can’t be done using Corvid.

But you can try adding an anchor, and when onViewportEnter, show a hidden element with animation effect.

@jonatandor35 Even the text one? I’m referring to the one that fades in and out when scrolling down the page.

@jonatandor35 And how can I do that? Sorry i have little to no idea when it comes to using Corvid.


Have a look at this Wix page for a starting reference to work from.

Plus, see replies from your other post too.