How can I remove this element scrollbar?


I’ve added a sign-up form using the HTML iFrame element, and it’s including a scrollbar even though it isn’t necessary. Any idea how I can remove the scrollbar? Here is the code:

And here’s a pic showing the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Did you try stretching out the Iframe window?

Yeah, the scrollbar slider disappears (as you can see in the pic), but the bar remains.

Set the overflow to hidden in the CSS:

Thanks, but I’m not sure what I’m setting the overflow for. My knowledge of CSS is fairly limited. I know I need to add style=“overflow: hidden;” but I don’t know where.

The scrolling is a problem for me as well, on mobiles. Oddly, the iframe will scroll only after reloading the page. If I go to another page and then return to the page containing the iframe, everything works great. Maybe this is a glitch worth checking out, Wix.