How can I transfer items to another page

Because I’m a designer, I don’t know anything about how to code.
I just searched and just did it. I would like to copy this value to another page, but I don’t know how.
I already looked up this and tried some code, but it didn’t work at all.
Really need help /:

To transfer items from PAGE-A to PAGE-B, you will need to use either a DATABASE, or the Wix-Storage-Api, which gives you the wished function.

I’ve tried this several times, but I couldn’t figure it out.
I’m a beginner, so it’s really hard /:
I would study and try if someone helps me.
I’m not sure in what order I should arrange the code …


import {local} from 'wix-storage';

		let currentItem = $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem();
		console.log("Current-Item-Data: ", currentItem);
		let transferData = JSON.stringify(currentItem);		

		local.setItem("DATA", transferData);

Try to understand what’s happening here and create the code for SITE-B, where you want to recieve the DATA from PAGE-A.

Start your coding for page-B. As example you already have PAGE-A-CODE.

This is just a quick example, created within 5-min and not tested.
So maybe you will have to optimize or modify it a little bit.

Good luck!

Thank you! :slight_smile: