How can I use the wix storage API to gather user input from a HTML form and send it to another page?

I’m not very familiar with corvid, so I would really appreciate it if someone could guide me through this.


You can’t use Wix Storage to store data directly from a html iFrame, you will need to pass any data from the html iFrame to the page first through the use of Wix HTML Component.$w.HtmlComponent.html

Search the forum for this and you can find previous posts like here.

For the Wix Storage side of this, have a look at these previous forum posts too as well as the Wix Storage API reference.


Do you by any chance have code that I could use and place in my site code? I read the article and due to my lack of coding knowledge, I’m having difficulty comprehend it and understanding what to do. I have a submit button on my html form, but how do I link it so that when that button has been pressed the data is sent to the page I want and displayed is how I want.


I am also facing this issue and thanks for raising this. I am newbie in coding and If you will find any solution or guide about this please share here. Thanks

Hi I was never able to find a solution to this problem, but I found a work around. You can use the content manager and the the wix native input elements. First create a form on the first page and a content manager. Set the content manager to write-only and connect each input element to it. On the destination page have some text blocks ready. Then add another content manager to that page. Set this content manager to read-only and connect each text block to the corresponding field.

On youtube, I would check out the wix tutorials on the content manager. That’s what helped me.
Here is a playlist:

Also, I’ve lost touch with my wix skills since it’s been a while, but I hope I helped. I do, however, recommend you create a new form post so that those who have the knowledge can see your post at the top of recents and quickly help you.

Let me know if it works!!

If you need me to make a small little site showing it working, I would love too!