How could I remove javascripts and unwanted CSS on my wix site; question of reducing the loading time of my site?

_ Note that I am basing on the google speed test report.

Someone with more knowledge help me please.
Thank you for your answers.

You cannot. The only thing you can do is put lighter images and elements on the page and if you have code own your own try to optimize it.
Another thing, play with the page cache (on the page settings) and find what’s best for you.

Thank you. I’ll try it.

Additional to J.D.'s good suggestions…

  1. Do not use onReady more than once.
  2. Do not query databases if not needed.
  3. Do not add to much elements onto your site, sometimes for example just one repeater is more efficient, than having a lot of elements, which accomplish the same functionality like a reapeater.
  4. Do not load to many items into your repeater at once —> better way —> try to load items sequentially by generating a —> INFINITE-SCROLL-FUNCTION.

Surely there are even more good techniques how to spedd-up a site.:sweat_smile:

Thanks for the advice my friend. but it would be better, if possible, to share with us these best ways to speed up the site apart from those proposed by wix namely: reduction of image sizes, less video possible, putting h1 tags in the right places etc …

@ougenpouwwe You can post your site link or the analytic report. It is better to understand what can be better on YOUR site (every site is different, so the things to be better is different)