How to create this? (white window) How can I create this without creating lightbox I mean with Velo or is it possible to create windows like that without using lightbox. I want to use these windows for repeaters.
I know I can create a box and add hide show but I don’t want this.
Hi there I have this type of menu on my site, built with container boxes and click functions. Why don’t you want to use a box? That is the best way to do this… What do you want to use this popup for?
If you don’t want to use a Lightbox then the other option is a container box, either static or pinned to the screen.
Like LMeyer already said it, there are not really a lot of opertunities for you how to do it.
Using container-box (this will scroll with your page → srolling out of screen)
Using pinned box-on screen (this would stay on same fixed screenposition)
Using lightbox (in my eyes, is perhaps even the best of all options)
You certainly want to have your display window always displayed in the chosen position, which will be pretty much the main problem with the whole thing.
Unfortunately in wix there is still no way to move elements directly to any position on the page via code, otherwise you could have created something yourself.
But maybe there are other options, for example:
-creating an own custom element with the wished functionality.
(if this is at least possible → idk).
-Using Wix-Animations to move elements (could perhaps work)
-Using setInterval + getboundingrect