How do I edit & display 1 row in a datacollection?

Hi All,

I am completely new to the wonderful world of Wix - so far been really impressed.
I have a question that I can’t seem to find an answer for and I have been searching for what seems to be ages - so thought I’d reach out to the experts.

For example
I have created a simple form with x4 fields

I have x3 users test data in my collection

I’d like to reproduce the form so that I can edit a specific user.
At the moment I have inserted a next item button so that I can scroll through the database inputs and this works fine, however I don’t want to give the users the option to run through each item in the collection.

I’ve also inserted a table that has clickable rows that then displays each user individually - I can then also edit it this way. However this also gives each user a full view of the data collection.

I am sure it is possible to just display and edit 1 line of a collection without having to do the above?

Any help at all will be really appreciated.
Thanks In Advance