How do I fetch a particular property from an object?

I want to fetch just the postal code from this object and use the postal code in a JSON to call an API. Every entry in the database has an address field that is stored in the format shown below. Please suggest something that would work.

{“address”:{“formatted”:“43-3-47 asd zxcy delhi\nIndia\n123456987”,“city”:“city”,“country”:“IND”,“addressLine”:“43-3-47 asd zxcy delhi”,“addressLine2”:“some colony”," postalCode ":“10000”,“subdivision”:“DL”},“firstName”:“ABC”,“lastName”:“XYZ”,“email”:“”,“phone”:“123456987”,“paymentMethod”:“offline”,“paymentGatewayTransactionId”:“123456789”}

Maybe I should have named some columns/keys more distinctly, but do you find this illustrates what you must do? This of course prints “value”.

import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(async () =>
	const result = await wixData.query('birthdays')
				.eq('title', 'Object')

You just have to retrieve the text contents of the column as normal, JSON.parse() it and then you can traverse the object as you would any other.

Hi Lee! Your solution was helpful, it is working. Thank You very much.