How do I get value from "Add Field" in Dynamic Page > Setting

How do I get value from “Add Field” in Dynamic Page > Setting

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to make a custom breadcrumb for a dynamic page.

What have you already tried:
I tried the following code but get “undefined” when colsole.log();

$w.onReady(function () {

    let myVariable;
    $w("#dynamicDataset").onReady(() => {
        let itemObj = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
        myVariable = itemObj.category; // replace 'fieldKey' with the key of the field you want to get


Additional information:
Sorry for my not-so-good English and also new to coding & velo, if you can kindly explain like I’m five would be much appreciated. :sweat:

Hi Peeravit

Can you send a screenshot of your database structure?

Here’s the screenshot. :pray: