How do I randomize repeaters?

I made a website in which someone can post text. The text is then displayed on a repeater, along with some other information such as post ID and creation date. I was wondering on how I could make the post in the repeater show up in a random order. Also, it would be helpful if I would be able to make it so when the user clicks a button the posts get randomized again. I saw a thread about this earlier, but wasn’t able to make it work. The repeaters and items have no specific name. The repeater is just called “#repeater1” and all of the other items have unedited names as well. It would help a lot if someone would help me figure out how to do this.

Thank you, but I have 0 knowledge of coding and have no idea how to code the button and such.

If you have no idea of coding and you start immediately with difficult parts like REPEATERS, you will get a lot of problems.

You should first study the repeater-API and before you do that, you should first learn some basic skills in Java-Script-Coding.

With questions like…

  1. What is a variable, what does it do and what do i need it for.
  2. What is a function. What does it do and why do i need it?
  3. How looks like the basic structure of a normal wix-site?
  4. Where do i put the code into?
  5. What is a string, a Number, an Array, or an Object?
  6. How do i work with Arrays?
  7. How do i work with Strings?
  8. How do i work with REPEATERS?

You will also find a lot of sites, which shows you the coding-stuff, like W3School and some other. There you can learn Java-Script-Coding techniques.

Or also do take a look onto my site…there you will be able to find a lot of examples and solved problems.

If it is to much for you, you should better engage an expert.
You can do it here…

You will also find all this important links on my site.

Good luck and happy coding.:wink:

ok thank you