How do you change the default landing page when you sign up?

Right now, I can’t actually see (advice/directions welcome) where users are taken to when they register?
Do they by default go to their “My Account” page?
My current main concern, if anyone could offer any help is

  1. Newly registered users - Once they’ve “Signed up” via the lightbox, I need them to land on a page where I’ve set up a form to collect more necessary information from them, not wherever the default is.

Secondary to that is

  1. Returning members logging in - Making sure that page isn’t ugly as hell, whatever it is

  2. Members who’ve remained logged in - Building a different landing page.

FYI I have little to know front end experience so I’m currently winging this all in editor with minor tweaks in Velo


Hi @founder53806 :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

  1. On the signup form, use wixLocation to redirect the members to the page that you use to collect the new data on.
// A theoretical function on a web module
import { signup } from 'backend/signup.jsw';
import { applySessionToken } from 'wix-users';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

let email; // User email
let password; // User password

signup(email, password).then((token) => {
    // Log the user in after they signup
    applySessionToken(token).then(() => {
        // Redirect the user to your page to fill up additional data'/finish-data');
  1. On the masterPage.js file, make sure to check whether the user filled the required fields or not.
/* A theoretical function on a web module that checks whether the user finished their data or not */
import { checkAccount } from 'backend/account.jsw';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

$w.onReady(() => {
    checkAccount().then((result) => {
        // If the account is ready (all data has been filled).
        if (result.account === 'ready') {
            // Redirect them to a special page to welcome them
        } else {
            // Prompt the user to fill in their data.

Hope this helps~!

Thank you so much Ahmad! I’ll try implement this tonight