How do you make the preloader show up in front?

I coded a preloader but when I added a language menu to my website, the language menu shows up on top of the preloader when I publish the site. I can’t seem to fix it by rearranging the layers. I had this issue with my menu bar before and I had to completely redo the page. Is there a solution to this?

Check if you have placed your elements into the header-section, or into the body-section.

header-section —> orange
body-section —> blue

Header-section is always on top of body-section.

Oh, i see you got already an answer…

It is not recommended to open several posts related to the same issue.

These were two different issues. Both the language menu and the preloader are in the body section, and I arranged it so that the preloader would be in front, but the language menu continues to show up in front on the live site.

@miaxie Ok.
Perhaps you can show a screenshot, or even a little video to show your issue?