How do you stress test your web app?

Which service do you use to stress test your velo web app?

My wix website (edtech app) break at around 2000 concurrent users and getting the error (Too many requests), I assume Wix APIs have its limits too.

The URL to your site is broken.

URL: [](



What) is broken about this?

@johnnetr2 The URL in your original post is broken.

A safe limit is about 1000 requests every minute, with a cooldown of 2 minutes in case of traffic going over the limit.

Basically it is safe to use with 250 requests per minute (functions, web methods) and 250 data operations (queries, inserts), etc. We don’t advise going over 250 operations per minute, yet the system will probably support 1000 per minute burst. If the limit is exceeded it will result in a 502 http error and there will be a 1-2 minute cooldown.

Specific and good answer, thank you! :smiley:

Any solutions to scalability?

Heard that Wix has scalability services, but for enterprises only.

A follow up question:

About the 250 operations per minute for one instance (one user).

Does that mean there can be 2000 concurrent users and each user can make 200 operations each minute and the system will be fine?

@johnnetr2 Certain scalability configurations are available. You can contact Wix Customer Care for more details.

storage package is always keeping more for plus traffic

@yisrael-wix Do content loads from a database (like images) count toward this?

I smacked hard into rate limiting at first. Part of it was my own mistake in the code, but it seemed like it was also affected by pulling down images from the database/ static link via media manager

Hi Yisrael! Where did you get this informations?