How SEO and UX work together to create websites that convert

Hello to everyone in the editor X community.

This is my first post here with hopefully a lot more to follow. I have recently posted an article over on our blog that looks at how SEO and UX work together to create a better website.
As we all know SEO and UX are vital components when designing a website. SEO helps your website show up for your customers and brings great organic traffic to your site while UX allows users to navigate through your site with ease on all devices.
We are lucky to have some amazing features available on the Editor X platform to create the best websites with integrated SEO tools, Responsive layout for better UX and even creating design systems to get you started.

For a full run down on how SEO and UX work together feel free to check out our blog using the link below.

It would be great to hear some feedback from the Editor X community! Have a great day and looking forward to hearing from everyone.


that’s so nice! Could you also share it on our Facebook Group ?

Just shared it now, thanks for the recommendation :smiley:

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That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’ve never realized how important are both SEO and UX for any entrepreneur who is willing to grow his business.

Thanks for sharing! SEO and UX are crucial components that come together and help businesses become more accessible to the costumers. While SEO focuses on bringing users to your site, UX focuses on how to best keep those users on your site. A local seo service helped me get organic traffic on my web 2.0 links and convert online visitors into clients. However, I couldn’t find a suitable UX designer. Despite that lots of software development companies provide this service, I couldn’t find a good specialist. Still looking!

Hey Faisal,
Happy to chat about the UX for this project if your still looking? Feel free to drop me an email at and we can arrange a chat.

What I really appreciate is that Editor X platform you mentioned seems to integrate SEO tools and responsive layouts, making it easier to harmonize SEO and UX. You’re right on the money when you mention how this makes navigation smoother and elevates the entire user journey, not just the landing page.