How to add a dropdown to a userinput to validate a query

Hello everybody,
I use a code from codequeen to search my database and retrieve a primary field that shows on a table 2 fields. No problem, works easily.
But I need to use 2 fields on the database to select the right row and I need to add a dropdown with different values to be able to shorten the scope of the database : per 2 hours rather than per minute so my values are 00-01h, 01-03h, 03-05h, ect, and not 00h01, 00h02, ect. In fact I just need to enter the date + the range hour.
How can I add the value selected in the dropdown (heure) to the value of the userinput (entrer date ) and make the search button (lancer) look for the 2 fields at the same time?
I join a picture of the page: hope it is understandable because when it is time to explain the problem to others it is not that easy.

Sorry for being that long and thanks to anyone.
Wishing all the best,

Thierry Cabit

Hi Tierloque,

If I understood you correctly, you are trying to create a search with two parameters, one from the dropdown input and one from the date input.
You can put multiple filters on one Dataset and you can watch this video to see a great example of how to do it.
If that is not what you are referring to, please elaborate more so I can help

All the best!

  • Lior

Hello Lior,

thanks for answering me. I found the way and it was so simple I am quite ashame of myself. In fact I was thinking complicate when simple was the answer.
Best wishes,


@tierloque Hi,
Can you share the solution you found? so other users would be able to use your answer.


ok I send you the whole code as it is quite some time now and I do not even remember hat was the problem. Hope it will help others.
Best luck to all,
