How to add a simple animation when we hover over on a button?

Hi There,

I was watching the video tutorial at here:
and when you hover over on any elements a text,image or other element shows up I added a comment regarding how to add an animation when an element shows up the admin mentioned at this forum.
So my question is which code I can add when I hover over on for.e.g. a button a text box appears which a fade in animation?when the text box shows up can I add a hyperlink to any word in the text box?

Please see the following code that I’m working on it but doesn’t work!

!$w(" #myElement ").show([animationName]) .then( () => { fulfillFunction } );

Try this code and remember to read the comments:

$w.onReady(() => {
  //Change the #myElement id to the one you have in your project.
  $w("#myElement").show("fade", { duration: 300 })
    .then(() => console.log("Fade"));

Thank you Bruno(^_^)

You are welcome! :blush: