How to add database info to member's account page

I want a database members, with a column I can manually input a “point value.”

Then I want this value to show up on the member’s account page, like this tutorial:

How do I do that?

Hi Dustin,

As of 2018-11-16 you do not have a direct access to the list of registered users programatically.

However if you are going to manually update the points data you can add any ad-hoc field in the RegistrationOptions of the wix-users or wix-users-backend. You can manually update the information in the registered users management console and you can retrieve this information via the wixUsers.currentUser() method.

Please keep in mind that this means you can only work with the user that is currently logged in and you will not be able to compare user scores.

Martin, thank for replying. Would you be able to link to tutorials or paste code examples?