Hello guys. I want to add logged user id as a path of URL at my dynamic page. How can i do that? I Cannot find at properties panel.
Hello guys. I want to add logged user id as a path of URL at my dynamic page. How can i do that? I Cannot find at properties panel.
If I’m understanding what you are asking as long as you created the dynamic page as PrivateMembersData you’d just go to the Page Info section and change the url from the default {Login Email} to {ID}
actually i am creating a update database page where user can update their info. So i have a button click action that goes to that page. But because it is a dynamic page, i thought if i add user id (which is. unique for every user) to URL everything will ok. But there is no userid _owner option to add URL
Are you using the built in Wix Members or have you created it from scratch? If you are using it you should be able to create a new members page (those will automatically be unique to the logged in user of course) and add all your dynamic stuff to that page making sure your unique “Update” collection = the actual Logged In Wix Members info and then make sure the permissions are set correctly so only the creator of the info can write/edit it and maybe there would be a few other things to do which I’m forgetting but you should be able to make that sort of thing fairly easily. I’ve done similar stuff before so can look up any extra steps I might be forgetting about if you like the idea of that.
The URL would be whatever you wanted, so for example /members/updateprofile or something like that, you could even use the built in “update” page that is added to the members section and just add your dynamic elements there so they can edit the system aspects of their profile as well as any of your custom details.
If you made your own members page without Wix’s built in pages then it might be more complicated but nothing that can’t be figured out! You should probably specify which editor you are using too now there are (for the time being) 3 different editors it can become confusing as not all of them are exactly the same!