How to add sound effects (not music) in designer and code mode?

Hi, I am new. I don’t know why I can not find it anywhere.

How do I enable a button to emit a click sound or chime sound or something? or is it not allowed now?

Further, IF this is possible, how do I enable a click sound as an object? or can it be done now?

I hope I can get straight to point answer, because I think it may be common knowledge.

Thanks to the Wix team. Keep up the great work.

You can use the audio player’s Play () function in the button’s onClick event.

Does that mean we have to add a Wix Audio Player module? Can’t it just fire a song from a database?

So it works in three steps:

  1. Save a sound effect file on your media upload;

  2. Drag a sound player element to your page, just like a box, or button. The way to add the player is on the left menu, click add, then add video and music elements, then add music player.

  3. Drag the simplest music player, and then make it invisible.

  4. Call the sound by $w(’ the music player element ').play() anywhere. That’s it.