First, this WixCode thing is pretty cool, from a non-coder perspective.
Now I’m hoping to get some help in making my data usable!
I have a couple of databases: one is a database of products and their basic attributes, and another one is for inventories. In a nutshell, I want my users to be able to log in to the site and search the products database for what they are looking for, and once they’ve narrowed down their search (there over 7,000 products), then I want to allow them to add (or remove) individual products to their own inventories. These are not purchases, and I don’t want to use Wix stores because they not flexible enough for what I’d like to do.
The last piece is that once the user has added product to their inventory, I want the inventory to reflect that this added product is NEW (to this user’s inventory), which will flag an admin person to review this product for this user. Once the admin has reviewed it, would like a way to reflect it as REVIEWED.
At any time, a user should be able to see their full inventory and all of its products. At any time, an admin should be able to see all user inventories and all products.
These pieces are stumping me in using Wix and the database function. Any ideas?? Much thanks in advance!