How to change Page Title AND URL

I created a page as a template and then made copies of it for other pages.
Then,I renamed them, but the URL indicates “Copy of blah blah…”
I can’t seem to find a way to rename the URL. The funny thing is that I did this for my previous project months ago, but can’t seem to find that option now. Perhaps it was moved??
Please help!

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Check the advanced seo tab under the page settings :slight_smile:

Thank you Sheyla. I did that already with varying success. I can change the URL on the Advanced SEO, but on Regular SEO page, it still shows the old URL. I did this 3 days ago just to make sure that it needed to propagate or something…

Google will need to re-crawl/index your page to update their results … this can take more then 3 days. I’d recommend reaching out to support to see if they have any additional tips. :smiling_face:

@sheyla You know what - Google aside, Wix isn’t picking up the URL change either. I just re-published the site and I’m getting that same old URL…

Changing the cononical URL won’t update page url (on my sites anyway)

Update the title you want for the page, then the URL as below, publish site, changes happen instantly.
Most of my pages are from templates, I’ve not any problems doing this way.

Hope that helps

OMG. I couldn’t find that option last night and now - there it is! WTH! Thanks allot @ride360org !

You’re welcome