I’ve recently implemented the rich text editor on my website for users to submit their data which are displayed publicly afterwards on a specific page. Thing is, links on my website appear same as the rest of the text : plain black, and non underlined.
I’d like links to have a recognizable color, such as blue, on the entire website.
I tried looking for a code that would do that but couldn’t find any.
I want the link to be recognizable on the “content” page (as I said, it works just like a forum, there is a page to post the message, then a page to see your post.)
The snippet I wrote above doesn’t go in the HTML code, but in the page code, on the bottom of the screen in your editor (part of setting up the rich text editor required a snippet there)
The reason it shows “text1” as an error, is probably because you don’t have a component with that name. You should change the name to fit your site, in this specific case just read on.
Before I talk about fixing the styles, I’d like to point out that you should probably take the whole “onMessage” clause (lines 20 - 27) and move that to after line 10. All the function calls named “onMessage” should be called only once. (The current implementation says that every time you click button15, you add an additional response to the html component, which I assume is not what you want to do, and rather just define the response behavior to the html component once)
Now for where to stick the code snippet. Line 23 says: “use the event data from the HTML component to set the field value descriptionmod in the dataset”. If I understand correctly what you’re trying to do, it’s that event data that you want to tweak. Replace line 23 with the following two lines:
I have other requests regarding this bit of code, if you could help me that would be much appreciated
The most important one is for the page to redirect to the item page, that the user just posted, right after he clicked on the button, since now it doesn’t do anything after the data is sent to the data base.