How to create a multi-category Custom Contact Form?


I would like to create my own Wix Custom Contact Form on my Website. I would basically like a drop down where people can select different types of support they need, and when I select it, there is a different contact form for each drop down selection. This website is a perfect example of what I want: . Also, when it says “Choose a Category” I do not want anything on the page, and when they choose a category, a contact form pops up. I have been looking everywhere, but to no avail. Thank you so much in advance!

Your solution = 1xMultistate-Box + 1x Dropdown

I tried that before and it didn’t work. Can you a blank website and show me it exactly?

In this example you will see the usage of the Multistate-Box…

And here you will learn about how to use a DropDown…

Or here…