How to create a Wix api token from API endpoint

How to create Wix api access token/ authorization token without user interaction with python and flask

What are you trying to achieve:
i am trying to consume data via Wix API without user interaction where i am look at authentication / generation of the api token it can only be generated why only through the user/Admin from the frontend not from the Wix API

What have you already tried:
I have tried to use Headless Admin with API Key, Wix Apps with API Key, Headless Visitors and Members with OAuth ,Wix Apps with access token OAuth,Data Extraction from Wix API. The Wix Data API allows you to work… | by Cndro | Medium

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Can you share the code that isn’t working?

You need to get the secret from your application’s dashboard because this is the only way to securely provide it to you. This is a very common process with API secrets/keys and is how you’ll find almost all web-based software does it.

Thanks Anthony, I have tried that as well. But the real problem for me is that the secret key length is 721 characters and it’s not fitting in my custom login page for Wix connector(which we’re currently building).

Do you have any suggestions alternate to this approach in order to handle my issue?

Note: I am thinking of handling with file upload(secret key).