How to display product name on #text element in a product page (wix studio)?

How do I display the current product name on a #text element in a product page in wix studio?

Wix Studio and Wix Stores

What are you trying to achieve:
I’m trying to display the product name on top of the product page (because the wix stores plugin does not allow this). But when I create a database and connect a #text element to it, it does not show the name of the currently opened product, but instead it shows the name of another product.

How do I display the name of the current product ?

What have you already tried:
I’ve tried to connect a #text element to a Product database, but I can not filter it to show the current product.

Additional information:
I don’t want to do it on dynamic pages

Follow my tutorial to help you learn how to filter on a product page….

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Hi, @codequeen! Thanks for the reply. It’s a great video - congrats, btw - but it wasn’t quite what I was looking for… I’m not that tech savy but I think what I want is something else

I just want to put a #text element inside a product page and i want that #text element to simply display the name of the product the user is currently viewing.

I tried connecting to the products database but i think it needs a bit of coding

Can you help me?

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