How to display wixForum_onPostCreated(event) in the frontend

I have installed the wixForum. In the Velo notes it says there are even handlers for wixForum_onPostCreated(event).

I have added the event handler to a backend file called “events.js” as it mentions.

What I need:
I when the user clicks “create new article” and “publish” in the App on the live site, I want to use the post details and send the information to a lightbox.

I know how to open lightboxes and send information to them. I just need to know how to retrieve the information from the wixForum_onPostCreated(event) after the user has clicked “publish”.

  1. user submits new post
  2. event fires
  3. details from the backend event sent to the frontend page the user is on
  4. I open a lightbox using the data it sends back

Does anyone know how to do this?

These are the details, it says the wixForum_onPostCreated(event) function produces.

Full post object:
“_id”: “5f88058be9b6b100175b154c”,
“title”: “What topics should we discuss?”,
“plainContent”: “Let us know what you think in the comments below.”,
“pinned”: “false”,
“commentingDisabled”: “false”,
“commentCount”: 0,
“likeCount”: 0,
“viewCount”: 0,
“_createdDate”: “2020-10-26T07:18:20.297Z”,
“_editedDate”: null,
“_lastActivityDate”: “2020-10-26T07:18:20.297Z”,
“slug”: “what-topics-should-we-discus”,
“pageUrl”: “/forum/category-name/what-topics-should-we-discuss”,
“postType”: “QUESTION”

You can use wix-realtime-backend/frontend to send data from the backend to the client: