Hello folks,
I’m trying to filter by some dataset field and get more than 1000 results, i’m currently doing this:
async function fetchProductData(categories) {
let result = await wixData.query('Produtos')
.hasSome("categorias", categoriesID)
let allItems = result.items;
while (result.hasNext()) {
result = await result.next();
allItems = allItems.concat(result.items);
return allItems;
But the result.hasNext() is never true and I never get more than 1000 results. Hown can I do that?
Thanks for the answer,
I could get more than 1000 itens without using
.hasSome("categorias", categoriesID)
But every time I try to use it in the query i get only 1000 itens, do you know how can i work around this?
Hello again,
normaly the given code in the link which i gave you, should solve your problem.
let allItems = [];
let hasNext = true;
let count = 0
let result = await wixData.query('wix19') .limit(1000).skip(count).find();
count += result.items.length;
hasNext = result.hasNext();
I am not sure, but this CODE here should collect first all RESULTS in an ARRAY (“allItems”) and then put them together.
Did you tried a console-log-command to take a look at the END-RESULT of “allItems” ???
Do a console-log —>
or something like this, to check the lenght of the result-data. Then you will see how much items are in the data at the end of the function-process.