How to fully customize the product page?

Hey there,

We are a T-Shirt business and are using wix e-commerce. We have a very specific design idea in mind when creating our website (see here: The problem is that I can’t use the wix standard product page because it has to many limits. So I need to recreate this with wix code. Our website visitor should be able to go on the product page, choose Size and Color and then click on the In-the-Cart Button to add it to his cart. I have seen that you can add a seperate In-the-Cart Button but I haven’t found a way that is adds the specific selection of size and colour of our client. I don’t know how to link the two.

Best regards,
#productpage #IntheCartButtoon #productoptions

Your site looks like a PC game from the 90’s designed in paint!

You can just create your own store with code, it has all the features you need to run your on store with no limits.

Is there a code example or guide I can use because I can’t code

Can I just copy your code? I need the specific code for the viewer deciding Color and Size option and then putting this into his cart.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it a lot

Hi Jan! Your concept is amazing!

How did you manage to link a button to pop up the mini product page?
