How to hide a product from when i select all collections

how to hide a product from when i select all collections in a shop page.
there is a product which i dont like to display in the shop page. I dont want to disable it.
I juste want to hide it from shop page but still show in a custom page,so we can add it to the cart.
there is no option in dashboard to do that, so i would like to know if we can do that by coding.
Thank you

I have the same problem. I have a custom order page that guides the buyer through the required configuration to select the right product. After configuration, it will add the correct product to the cart. I do not want the buyer to see the end products in the store and randomly add it to cart there, they will invariably chose the wrong product for their specific configuration. So, can we hide a product from the WiX store and yet still have it buyable elsewhere (eg: in a custom order form)? The hidden attribute for each product removes it from the general store, but also makes it not accessible to my custom Add to Cart function. I thought removing the product from all product collections might do the trick, but there doesn’t appear to be any way to remove a product from the All Products collection, short of deleting the product completely. The only other solution I can think of, is to dynamically create a custom product just for that user/session, which seems like overkill (not to mention a lot of work)…

FYI - I had a great conversation with Dara from WiX support and she came up with these 2 ideas. I did the first, and it works fine for my purposes. The following is a snippet from her response to me –

… Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to hide products from the “All Products” collection, but I do have a couple of workarounds for it.

  1. You could create your own “All Products” collection on the store and manually add all the products to it except for the ones you don’t want displayed, then display that collection on your product gallery instead of the “All Products” one.

  2. Instead of using the product gallery element, you could create your own product gallery with a repeater or a gallery element and use Velo to filter out those particular products.

Same problem, unfortunately. I can’t seem to find a solution.

I setup a Wholesale Collection that’s password protected, as per this article they published: Wix Stores: Creating Restricted Store Pages | Help Center | . However the “All Products” feature on my Shop page destroys that idea entirely. Products are blatantly on display, regardless of trying to “hide” them in a password protected Collection.