How to hide a repeater b4 type in the seach bar?

Hi everyone,
I have done a seach bar on a page, but I want to:

  1. Hide all contains of repeater ( only show the search bar ) before someone type in the search bar.
  2. If I move the search bar to the header, how to let it work?
    What’s the code for these?

Any help will be appreciated , as I have gone through the help articles, but could not find a way.

Set the repeater to hidden on load in its properties panel, then place


in your keyPress function.

Many thanks! David. It works!!! How to hide it again if delete the input in search bar?

@zingnz Try this:

function searchStatus() {
    if ($w('#input1').value === null || $w('#input1').value === '') {
    } else {$w('#repeater').show();}

Then you can call the searchStatus() function in your bar’s keypress, focus, blur, etc.

@skmedia Thank u for quick reply!!! Did I do something wrong? when delete input in search bar, repearter still shows.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…


export function input1_keyPress_1(event) {
function searchStatus() {
if ($w(‘#input1’).value === null || $w(‘#input1’).value === ‘’) {
} else {$w(‘#repeater1’).show();}
let SearchValue = $w(“#input1”).value;
$w(‘#dataset1’).setFilter(wixData.filter().contains(‘name’, SearchValue));

@zingnz Yes, searchStatus() is a new function we’ve declared, so 1. you can’t declare it within another function like you have, and 2. it’s never being called.

Try it like this:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function input1_keyPress_1(event) {
    let SearchValue = $w("#input1").value;             
    $w('#dataset1').setFilter(wixData.filter().contains('name', SearchValue))

function searchStatus() {
    if ($w('#input1').value === null || $w('#input1').value === '') {
    } else {$w('#repeater').show();}

@skmedia looks like this in my site.

@zingnz that’s because of Wix Forum’s bad hashtag system, just delete the duplicated hashtags and it’ll work. Mind the apostrophes too.

@skmedia Thanks heaps!!! It works perfectly!

@zingnz Good to hear!

@skmedia I just found still need one more Backspace or one more invalid inputs to hide repeater when I delete inputs, even there is no space character in search bar.

@skmedia And how to let search bar work if attach to the header? Many thanks!!!

@zingnz at the debounceTimer)