I’m viewing an item on a dynamic page, how can I add a button that leads to another item in the same database and can I choose which button item?
Currently to do this I just add a link field in the database and add the button on the dynamic page, but every time they click the button they are taken to a new tab, I do not want them to go to another tab because the site recharges from the beginning and this is not feasible for several reasons, the main and performance and consumption of extra data.
Is there any way to do this?
It would be something like a button (Season 2)
To make a buttons link open in the same window/tab use the target property.
If you want to move form one record to the next you can hook up to the dataset and execute the next() function on it.
Thanks, I was able to run the following code:
$w.onReady(() => {
let url = $w("#button24").target;
$w("#button24").target = "_self";
Before hitting this code I had experienced variations of:
export function button24_click(event) {
const item = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
if (!item.episodio1) {
two together
And the total try with different codes I did and tested were 5, I managed to hit number 5 to so excited. XD
Thanks a lot for the help!