How to make white header background appear only on scroll?

I followed this video exactly, and still can’t get it to work.

I want my header to have a completely transparent background upon entering the site, but then when the viewer scrolls, I want the header to have a white background. How can I do this?

Here is my code (in the site tab):

export function header1_viewportLeave(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:
export function header1_viewportEnter(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:

Any help would be much appreciated!!

Hi Lexy,

Your code is good, but the problem could be with the function itself.
Can you please click on the header (which has the header1 ID ) and check if the 2 functions (on viewPort enter/leave ) is clicked.

Also check if the functions names are the same ( in the properties and in the code ).

Hope this helps you.


Hi Mustafa,

Thanks for your response. I checked both those things, and it is still not working. The way I have it set up, I have a transparent strip and a white strip both added to the header, just like the video. When I go into preview mode and try to scroll, I see this:

Oops, we missed something!
A Hashtag " # " is missing in your code.

 export function header1_viewportLeave(event, $w) {
      $w('whiteHeader').show();  // should be $w("#whiteHeader").show();
       export function header1_viewportEnter(event, $w) {  
          $w('whiteHeader').hide();  //should be $w("#whiteHeader").hide();

Let me know if it worked.



Hi Mustafa,

Thanks for trying to help. I fixed the code as you suggested, and it still is not working. Nothing I do makes the white header appear on scroll. Anything else I could do?

Can you please send me the website link? so we can figure out what’s missing.


You are missing adding the onViewportEnter in the Header1 properties panel, Also the onViewportLeave function name is different from the one you are using in the code.

I recommend you to delete the code, also remove the function from the properties panel of ( Header1) and re-do it again :

  • Click on the header => in the properties panel add onViewportEnter / onViewportLeave => in the code editor add the hide/show just like what we did before.

Now it’s only showing the white header on top. The white header still does not appear on scroll. This is the opposite of what I want; how do I fix it?

Now it’s doing nothing again.

I got it to work!!! Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

Glad you did it.

You welcome.

Hi, I’m having the same issue! Please help :slight_smile:

How did you make this happen Lexy? From start to finish please! I have a client that want this!