What would be the recommended approach to monetizing individual blog posts as a one-time payment to readers who wish to access a particular post? I am seeking guidance on how to implement this payment model effectively.
I’m not the Blog Expert, but Paywall may help you. Here’s how you can implement such model:
Create a new paid plan in the Paid Plans app. You can set the price and duration of the plan to suit your needs.
Add a “Paywall” element to the blog post page that you want to monetize. This element will only be visible to users who have not purchased the paid plan.
In the “Paywall” element settings, select the paid plan that you created in step 1. This will make the post accessible only to users who have purchased the plan.
But as for additional and more specific help, please contact Wix Customer Care: https://support.wix.com/en/article/contacting-wix-customer-care-for-support
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for providing your feedback. However, I would like to clarify that the paid plan offered here only covers the subscription method. In my case, I am looking for a payment method that allows blog readers to pay for individual blog posts rather than subscribing to the entire blog.
To illustrate my point, suppose I have five blog posts and I want every visitor to pay $1 for each blog post they read. I need a payment method that can support this kind of payment model. If I were to use the current subscription payment method and set the plan to $1 to be paid one time, visitors would be able to read all five blog posts for only $1.
Thank you for your understanding.