hi, i am trying to add code to a button so it will open a dynamic collection page from a dynamic item page . i have a dataset (named “families”) with birds (names) and families.
…/families/Swifts works ok in a browser.
that’s the code i am trying with no success:
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ;
export function text22_click ( event ) {
let itemObj = $w ( “#dataset1” ). getCurrentItem ();
wixLocation . to ( “/families/” + itemObj [ “family_eng” ]);
wixLocation . to ( “/families/swifts” ); - works but its not dynamic
wixLocation . to ( itemObj [ “family_eng” );](wixLocation.to(itemObj[“family_eng”]) - not working cause the url is incorrect but does return the value “swifts” in the error message
this is the error message i get:
“DatasetError: The dataset cannot filter by the dynamic dataset because the field used to build this page’s URL is empty”
will be grateful for any suggestion