How to open link in the same tab in the repeater

hello Guys,
I’m using a repeater that connects to the Wix database. And the repeater has a button that connects with a field in the database. When you click on the button the link is opening in another tab and I wanted to open it on the same screen.

its possible ?

Sorry, but I have no clue what you are really asking. Could you try to use google translate, from your language to English?

I’m using a repeater that connects to the Wix database. And the repeater has a button that connects with a field in the database. When you click on the button the link is opening in another tab and I wanted to open it on the same screen.

        //button 1 - 
        if ( === 'Fotobiomodulação') {
            let filter = wixData.filter();
            if ( > 0) { filter = filter.hasSome("tagSubMenu",;}

            // when you click button 1 it makes a filter and shows the cards in the repeater
            // which also has a button. And it's on that button that I can't open the link on the same page.
            $w('#dataset1').setFilter(filter).then((result) => { 
                let data = 

Inside the $w.onReady block;

$w('#repeater1').onItemReady($i  => $i('#buttun1').target = '_self');

(EDIT: Sorry, I meant _self. Fixed)

Ohhh Tks very much J.D. Its work. Very nice.
I’m using ‘_self’ to open on the same page. Wow helped me a lot.

$w(‘#ProductsRepeater’).onItemReady($i => $i(‘#ProductsButton’).target = ‘_self’);