I have a form with the fields: First Name, Last Name, Phone and Email
I want the user to fill in these fields, and when submitting the form they are directed to an external checkout that allows them to receive this data, and of course, I’m using a checkout that allows this and has very basic documentation saying that the redirection url needs to have &name=“…”&phonenumber=“…”&email=“…” - It’s a method called pre-populated checkout
These “…” are the fields that I must fill in to send this information, but what exactly should I put there? I don’t understand anything about programming, I tried several things but nothing worked
So, being very specific, when the user filled in the email field and clicked send, the checkout url should be accompanied by the same email, so that the customer would not need to fill it in again.
I haven’t had any progress trying to implement this…
So I don’t even know if this is possible here at Wix… because I saw that some applications and other website builders allow this relatively easily. But what about wix? Is there any way?
And, if you know how to answer this question, I imagine there will be a code behind it, so it would be of great help to share what this code would be like, as I wouldn’t know how to write it, even if I read the velo documentation Thansk!!