How to query hidden products

Hi folks,
‘Products Query’ doesn’t return hidden products by default.
Is there any way to fetch those products? Can the product’s visibility be changed via API?

Hi! I’m not sure, but in the control panel of your site you can download a csv file with all existing products. So, it seems to me that this link is unchanged and does not require authentication. So you can use this link in your code.

@ Michał Śmiałko Did anyone figure this out. Having same issue

So it looks like this will work below. But needs to be put in the action function like find or count.

const options = {
“suppressAuth” : true ,
appOptions : {
“includeVariants” : true ,
“includeHiddenProducts” : true

const results = await wixData . query ( “Stores/Products” ). eq ( “sku” , sku ). find ( options )

So this used to work, but now it is failing. Anyone else having same issue?

I have same issue. 6 month ago support team told me they knew tabout that issue and would fix it soon. Today the problem is present, never solved and now the support team tell me they are working on it… I don’t understand which problem they have…

This doesn’t work anymore. Since 6 month ago it was fine, then it stopped to work.