How to reveal image on hover in repeater


I want to reveal the image in this format when user hover the mouse on repeater item. Is that possible to do without coding?


No one is available to give suggestion on this?

If this is possible without coding? I don’t think so, but if you would use…
—> Wix-Animations <— this could work for you (CODE)

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Thanks for your reply. What will be code for this then?


Well normaly it’s not DECEMBER and i am not SANTA, but i will show you some code…

First of all → you activate → DEV-MODE (developer-mode) on your Wix-Editor (no matter which wix-editor you are using).

Then you navigate to your wished page, you will find now a CODE-AREA (SECTION) where you will put in the following code…


          $w('#repeater1').onItemReady(($i, iData, i)=>{});



  1. I assume you are using a DATASET.
  2. You of course have an IMAGE inside of your REPEATER where you want to hover over.
  3. This example shows you a simple setup how it could work.
  4. Wix animations is not included here yet.
  5. You can use different effects…

You can change the functionality → using wix-animations and writing your own animated function.

But you can also check —> Editor X: About Click and Hover Interactions | Help Center |