How to save directly from repeater row

I have problem with saving data. I have 3 repeaters and 3 datasets filtered by “Urgent” “Later” and “Complete” notes. Onclick event should update-save status and refresh data. My code executes only first row from repeater it is not working with older notes.

export function iptStatusUrgent_click(event) {
setTimeout(saveUrgent(), 1000 );

function saveUrgent () {
$w( “#dbNotes” ).save()
.then(() => {
$w( “#dbNotes” ).refresh();
$w( “#dbNotesLater” ).refresh() ;
$w( “#dbNoteComplete” ).refresh();
. catch ( (err) => {
let errorMsg = err;

In your iptStatusUrgent_click() event handler, you need to determine in which repeater item the button was clicked. You do that by using the Repeated Item Scope . You can then Retrieve Repeater Item Data When Clicked . The first sample code snippet under that section shows how to get the correct repeater item by properly accessing the appropriate dataset:

$w.onReady( function () {
  $w("#repeatedContainer").onClick( (event) => {
    let $item = $;
    let clickedItemData = $item("#myDataset").getCurrentItem();
  } );
} );

Taking into account that the context has already been established, how is it done to save?

would it just save the dataset with my ()?

Thank You for your help. I had hard time figuring out saving part, and finally got it.
I end up creating button witch sets field value I want, instead radio button.

$w( “#btnUrgent” ).onClick( (event) => {
let $item = $;
let clickedItemData = $item( “#dbNotesLater” ).getCurrentItem();
$item( “#dbNotesLater” ).setFieldValue( ‘noteStatus’ , ‘Urgent’ );
$item( “#dbNotesLater” ).save()

.then(() => { 

      $w( "#dbNotesLater" ).refresh() ; 
      $w( "#dbNotes" ).refresh(); 
 . **catch** ( (err) => { 

let errorMsg = err;